You know, i'm just now wondering whether Richard Stallman has ever regretted the decision to call GNU, GNU or even considered whether the decision has held back the Free Software movement at all. When people call GNU/Linux by the first or last part, they almost always choose the last, Linux. Is it any surprise? Linux sounds a hell of a lot cooler than GNU, not to mention it's easier to say (aside from the pronounciation confusion between lai-nux and li-nux). Gnu's Not Unix-- ha, clever, but not good marketing!
I'm sure RMS would love for people to use GNU when referring to GNU/Linux (or at least refer to them as a due) instead of just Linux as most people do, since it really is the more important part of the operating system, and it does make sense to logically, but think about it. Who would want to call anything GNU? It sounds like ew, or poo, but worse because you can't even pronounce it-- guh-new!
I really do wonder where the Free Software movement could be if GNU (or whatever it would be called) were emphasized instead of Linux. Does it really make a difference? At first you'll probably think, of course not-- it's just a name. Just a name? Last i checked, names were important. Sure, this might be small compared to other issues, but it has probably made a big difference without anyone noticing. That's why names matter.
It's probably too late for it to be worth even considering a new name for GNU, right? What if we just called it the G? Just a thought.
Unless something like that happens, it's a lost cause to fight for the use of GNU when referring to GNU/Linux because calling it Linux is easy and already recognized. Anybody who has heard of GNU has heard of Linux, but the opposite is often not true. As much as i agree with these so-called "GNUheads" philosophically and dream of the day (the far, far away day) GNU/Hurd finally becomes ready for production use (since it is conceptually superior to Linux), the battle for using the term GNU is dead for now. As much as i'd prefer not to, i'll most likely just be using the term "Linux" from now on. And this concludes my pointless rant :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ew, WTF is a GNU?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why won't Dell listen to its customers?
Dear Dell,
My family has bought and owned Dell machines for as long as i can remember but we and many others are getting tired of not being listened to. Please forgive us all for feeling abandoned. We were all overjoyed when IdeaStorm was announced and we could post the kinds of things we wanted there, but Dell only seems to be half-listening, and only keeping us partially in the loop. Immediately after it was released, thousands of voices called out for GNU/Linux and free software. Dell made a huge step with their Ubuntu offering, and we were very very thankful. Why now, has Dell seemed to stop listening? Many requests with tons of support not only haven't been fulfilled, but haven't even been acknowledged with any sort of response. For example, this post (
People around the world have been calling for your Ubuntu offer, so why has it only been made available in certain areas? Why isn't Ubuntu available on all machines that it works on? Why haven't you responded to your customers? Are you truly at the hands of Microsoft? This would be bad for customers, and bad for you in the long run. I, and many others, truly feel wronged here.
The 10th most popular idea on the entire site asks for Coreboot pre-installed on Dell machines. I know if Dell did this, i'd never consider buying a machine from anywhere else, but Dell hasn't even responded to the idea even though it gained it's popular long ago. Even the #2 most popular post, asking for OpenOffice installed by default, hasn't been replied to! The issue has been so bad that people are making posts asking for Dell to listen and at least keep us in the loop!
We all thought that Dell would be more open after IdeaStorm gave us a more direct voice. You know what your customers want, but you simply ignore them. As you should notice, since you have stopped listening, many have stopped speaking, and soon you will begin to lose us. We all really appreciate what you have done so far, but it seems like you are backing out. Why aren't you serving your customers? If you don't change this trend you're going to lose me and i know many other customers are saying the same thing.
We're not asking for a lot. At the very least we want to be kept in the loop. We want to be able to have a dialogue with you. This isn't about you granting us everything we ask for-- it's about communicating with us. We want more than a "yes" or "no," an "under review" or "reviewed." Tell us what influences your decisions, and allow us respond. Why is it that the only defense i keep hearing for you is that it isn't you're business to care? I think that even you'll agree that's not a very good reason.
I'm not sure where else to go with this. I can't figure out why this isn't a priority for Dell. Please Dell, PLEASE, don't abandon us!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
5 Things I'd Love to See From Digg
There are a few things that have always bothered me about Digg and i hope i'm not the only one. If there rumors are true about Google buying Digg (which i hope they are), and actually, even if they aren't true, here are some things i'd love to see.
Also, making Digg as open source as possible would be awesome. I'm a big fan of the free software movement :)
If Digg really wants to expand without falling apart i think we can all agree that some serious changes are necessary. Digg this if you like some of these ideas!
- A completely redesigned interface.
I'd like to see Digg with a completely new interface, one that's cleaner and will work better as the number of Digg users, and subsequently, Digg submissions, increase. Also, the following ideas wouldn't work well at all with Digg's current look.
- Tags, not Sections
Sometimes the sections Digg offers don't fit your article perfectly, or your article fits just as well into two or more sections. Although tags might seem hard to manage, i think they would actually handle organizing submissions better than sections. Tags are more scalable. There would always be the most popular tags (which would be the main sections) and tags could be given more value depending on factors like how many people place a specific tag on a submission. This way, one submission can't spam every tag attributed to it.
- Region-specific view
I'd like to be able to view Digg in a region-specific mode. I can see how people are Digging differently in different countries, and how people in my country are Digging. This is pretty simple and would be really useful for Diggers around the world. Every page in Digg should be visible in region-specific view from the frontpage, to the top in [period of time], within sections, etc, down to individual submissions.
- Groups
This might seem cumbersome at first, but i think if done right could be really cool. Let's say you're an involved activist. You could be in a specific group with it's own mini-digg which displays the Diggs of other group members and lets the group Digg appropriate submissions to share with each other. I'm sure if you gathered a few smart brains they could find a way to make this work really well. - My Digg
I'd love to be able to create my own Digg site. It would be neat to be able to customize it to how you plan to use it. Perhaps you're throwing a party and trying to see what music requests the most people agree with. I know that each of these suggestions is slightly more farfetched than the last but i still think they're worth working on.
Also, making Digg as open source as possible would be awesome. I'm a big fan of the free software movement :)
If Digg really wants to expand without falling apart i think we can all agree that some serious changes are necessary. Digg this if you like some of these ideas!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Free Government
*draws line in the sand*Ok, cross this line.
*DMCA passed*
*backs up two steps, draws new line in the sand*
Ok, cross this line.
*Patriot Act*
*backs up two steps, draws new line in the sand*
Ok, cross this line!
*NSA archiving all net traffic*
*backs up two steps, draws new line in the sand*
Ok, cross THIS line!
*warrantless searches*
*backs up two steps, draws new line in the sand*
*FISA expanded*
*tries to back up..but notices back is against the wall*
For so long i have been waiting for something like this to be put together, and finally has arrived!
I think that more than anyone else, geeks nowadays understand the problems with politics more than anyone else. So what better combination is there than geeks and politics? Although i didn't see this until it appeared on Slashdot, it apparently launched on July 4th. I have no idea how this hasn't hit the Digg homepage!
From the website:
" is a non-profit open source project launched on July 4th, 2008, focused on providing citizens with more direct control of Congress through online polling and forums." is a:
- non-profit organization
- built on open source software
- defined by four freedoms
- designed to empower citizens
Freedom to engage in government decision making for any purpose at any time.Understand
Freedom to understand the work of the government transparently.Share
Freedom to share direct control of the government.Improve
Freedom to improve the government for the benefit of all society with the support of others.
Free Government really has the potential to take the power out of money and put it back in the hands of people. Join and spread the word!
Planet Ubuntu,
Lojban Needs to Reorganize
I've already written about why lojban is such an awesome language to learn, but unfortunately, the speaker base is still relatively small. I think the biggest reason for this is the incredibly unattractive website. The wiki currently located at is in dire need of an upgrade (perhaps to MoinMoin) and although it would take some effort to migrate all the content, it would more than pay off in the long run. The redesigned site at is a great start and will hopefully move to and then the wiki can use to be run parallel to the new homepage. In addition to the already existing mailing lists and imageboards, a phpBB, Vanilla, or some other real forum would be a helpful addition to strengthen and grow the lojban community.
Currently, the wiki (which is the entire site) is slow, unattractive, and disorganized. Its difficult to navigate, space is used very inefficiently, and it isn't easy on the eyes. Visitors that have a potential interest in learning lojban can easily be repelled by their first glance at the site, or get lost before they find what they are looking for. Most people don't feel they should have to look. If they don't see it, they'll just leave. The main page should always be aimed at new visitors, and even if the site redesign example i linked to above took the place of the current wiki, the main page for the wiki should still do the same. Even for those who use the wiki and try to contribute, its slow, the interface is confusing, and the layout is awkward. All the main pages are not user maintained which means that no edit link will appear at the top of the page but it can still be edited by anyone if they copy the URL of the edit page of a user-maintained page and simply replace the page name.
Let's take a look:
So how do we improve the wiki? We use better software and make is easier to edit! Reorganizing, and maintaining the wiki will be much easier on MoinMoin. It would make more sense to fix the content after adopting a better wiki platform. All pages on the wiki should be open and user-maintained. I can only guess that they might not be to prevent vandalism, but with that kind of thinking, Wikipedia would not be where it is today. Wikis are maintained by the users. That's the whole point. Anything that isn't editable doesn't belong on the wiki. It can be moved to the new homepage.
Although mailing lists and the imageboards exist, and it's good that they do, they cannot do what a real forum would. Trying to make the mailing list double as a forum isn't enough. A real forum makes it much easier to give/get support with lojban and have discussions. A mailing list simply can't handle the volume of discussion that a forum can. Its about scalability. A mailing list and a forum are two different things and should remain separate. A real forum handles discussion in a much more organized fashion than a mailing list, and organization is what we need. A forum doesn't replace mailing lists, and mailing lists don't replace a forum-- they both run well in paralell. Take for example the hugely successful its a center of communication for ubuntu users but it is used in parallel with mailing lists and irc. All three are essential and effective. Different people may prefer different ones but it is important that they are all available.
Another thing that should certainly be considered is using a content management system (CMS) like Drupal, Joomla, or some other one to make life easier.
So this is what should be done:
- Lojban redesigned site should take the place of the Wiki
- Wiki should be moved to
- All pages should be opened up to be user maintained
- Upgrade to MoinMoin for reorganization
- Set up a real forum
- ???
- Profit!
This effort will make lojban much more accessible and build the community. More people will be able to find what they are looking for. Communication will be more evenly distributed between discussion on the mailing lists, irc, and forum. The wiki will be a valuable source that continues to improve as more people contribute. All of this will help lojban gain the popularity it deserves.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Final Push: Linux in Stores
Over the past few years, the free software movement has made great progress, and it's constantly gaining momentum. With free software advancing at an exponential rate, we are not far from, and not necessarily in terms of time, Linux being as common as Windows, and then beating it. When we reach the breaking point, consider the free software movement unstoppable :)
People assert different reasons why free software hasn't completely replaced proprietary software yet, one of which is gaming. Currently, most games are released only for Windows, but Wine is quickly becoming able to run those games in Linux until the time comes when most games are released to run natively in Linux. The biggest issue right now certainly should not be games since at this point the best target for Linux, in my opinion, are people with very simple computer needs. That isn't to say that Linux isn't ready for everyone else, but it is more than ready for this group. This is also the biggest and easiest target.
The one thing with basic users is that most technophobic people fall into this category. Because of this, usability is often an argument against Linux, but it really isn't an issue anymore. Many Linux distributions, especially Ubuntu, are very usable. Ubuntu isn't significantly less user-friendly than Mac or Windows, but since it is different, it will need to be significantly more intuitive than them for the technophobic to feel comfortable switching. The only reason some people are only comfortable with Windows is because they are used to it and a change of something they already don't actually understand (their operating system) is a prospect with a distinct stress and even fear associated with it.
Hardware support is almost not even an issue anymore. The only reason that success is so frequent with Windows is because most Windows users receive their machines already loaded with the necessary drivers. Security, stability, availability, and price are certainly not issues. So, since there is plenty of reason to switch to Linux, and few remaining obstacles, why isn't everyone doing it? It comes down to consumer awareness. I will refer mostly to Ubuntu because it is, in my opinion, the most mainstream-ready distribution of Linux and its success is a win for Linux and free software as a whole.
Now, it seems logical to look for some flaw with Linux to blame for it not being more popular and then to try to fix that flaw, but instead consider that there is no flaw and that there are other things holding Linux back. Let's instead think about what needs to happen to reach the tipping point. Targeting governments or public schools to adopt Linux has a strong local impact but what will really put things in motion? Linux needs to be sold right alongside Windows.
All it would take is for one major chain of stores to successfully execute a Linux offering. Right now, Dell sells Ubuntu machines, so why aren't more dominoes falling? Well, for starters, Ubuntu is only offered on a separate section of their website and it's not sold alongside Windows. Doing so would help, but another reason is that selling Ubuntu online doesn't give it the visibility of having it sold in stores. A lot of the technophobic type need to go to a store where there are people to answer their questions and inform them.
Now let's imagine this happening with just one major chain store. With an Ubuntu loaded machine on the shelf next to a Windows box, people will be seeing Ubuntu as the serious competition to Windows that it is. Staff will have to know about free software and Linux, so customers will no longer be kept in the dark. The concepts of free software and the open source software model will finally be revealed to the everyday computer buyer. Support will be made available for these buyers. More press coverage will bring even more visibility. After that comes more machines being sold with Linux, more industry support, more hardware being designed to work for Linux, and free software development flourishing.
Okay, but why would a company gamble on the success of selling machines with Linux pre-installed? Well, for the above result, you don't have to offer every machine with Windows or Ubuntu: you only need a couple-- maybe one laptop and one desktop. Start by selling a couple, and that will provide a taste of the demand. I have no doubt that this small offering would appeal to a lot of people. There's also the press that this company would be able to enjoy. Which company wouldn't want to be the first one to sell the next big thing?
What can we do to make this happen? Go to the store and ask them about Ubuntu, then if they don't sell that on any of their machines which they probably don't, show off Ubuntu on your own machine if you brought it with you, or promise to bring in your Ubuntu laptop sometime soon. Make calls, write letters, and take advantage of things like Dell's IdeaStorm. The most important thing to do is to show how they would profit from this. They would be the first to tap into this growing market and they would get lots of press. I encourage everyone to get involved in making this happen. The success of free software is inevitable anyways, so if nothing else, just keep up the good work!
People assert different reasons why free software hasn't completely replaced proprietary software yet, one of which is gaming. Currently, most games are released only for Windows, but Wine is quickly becoming able to run those games in Linux until the time comes when most games are released to run natively in Linux. The biggest issue right now certainly should not be games since at this point the best target for Linux, in my opinion, are people with very simple computer needs. That isn't to say that Linux isn't ready for everyone else, but it is more than ready for this group. This is also the biggest and easiest target.
The one thing with basic users is that most technophobic people fall into this category. Because of this, usability is often an argument against Linux, but it really isn't an issue anymore. Many Linux distributions, especially Ubuntu, are very usable. Ubuntu isn't significantly less user-friendly than Mac or Windows, but since it is different, it will need to be significantly more intuitive than them for the technophobic to feel comfortable switching. The only reason some people are only comfortable with Windows is because they are used to it and a change of something they already don't actually understand (their operating system) is a prospect with a distinct stress and even fear associated with it.
Hardware support is almost not even an issue anymore. The only reason that success is so frequent with Windows is because most Windows users receive their machines already loaded with the necessary drivers. Security, stability, availability, and price are certainly not issues. So, since there is plenty of reason to switch to Linux, and few remaining obstacles, why isn't everyone doing it? It comes down to consumer awareness. I will refer mostly to Ubuntu because it is, in my opinion, the most mainstream-ready distribution of Linux and its success is a win for Linux and free software as a whole.
Now, it seems logical to look for some flaw with Linux to blame for it not being more popular and then to try to fix that flaw, but instead consider that there is no flaw and that there are other things holding Linux back. Let's instead think about what needs to happen to reach the tipping point. Targeting governments or public schools to adopt Linux has a strong local impact but what will really put things in motion? Linux needs to be sold right alongside Windows.
All it would take is for one major chain of stores to successfully execute a Linux offering. Right now, Dell sells Ubuntu machines, so why aren't more dominoes falling? Well, for starters, Ubuntu is only offered on a separate section of their website and it's not sold alongside Windows. Doing so would help, but another reason is that selling Ubuntu online doesn't give it the visibility of having it sold in stores. A lot of the technophobic type need to go to a store where there are people to answer their questions and inform them.
Now let's imagine this happening with just one major chain store. With an Ubuntu loaded machine on the shelf next to a Windows box, people will be seeing Ubuntu as the serious competition to Windows that it is. Staff will have to know about free software and Linux, so customers will no longer be kept in the dark. The concepts of free software and the open source software model will finally be revealed to the everyday computer buyer. Support will be made available for these buyers. More press coverage will bring even more visibility. After that comes more machines being sold with Linux, more industry support, more hardware being designed to work for Linux, and free software development flourishing.
Okay, but why would a company gamble on the success of selling machines with Linux pre-installed? Well, for the above result, you don't have to offer every machine with Windows or Ubuntu: you only need a couple-- maybe one laptop and one desktop. Start by selling a couple, and that will provide a taste of the demand. I have no doubt that this small offering would appeal to a lot of people. There's also the press that this company would be able to enjoy. Which company wouldn't want to be the first one to sell the next big thing?
What can we do to make this happen? Go to the store and ask them about Ubuntu, then if they don't sell that on any of their machines which they probably don't, show off Ubuntu on your own machine if you brought it with you, or promise to bring in your Ubuntu laptop sometime soon. Make calls, write letters, and take advantage of things like Dell's IdeaStorm. The most important thing to do is to show how they would profit from this. They would be the first to tap into this growing market and they would get lots of press. I encourage everyone to get involved in making this happen. The success of free software is inevitable anyways, so if nothing else, just keep up the good work!
Planet Ubuntu,
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Top 7 Reasons to Learn Lojban
So i haven't actually learned to speak Lojban yet, but it's really cool. It is a constructed, or engineered, language. Originally called "Loglan" (short for "logical language") by project founder Dr. James Cooke Brown, who started the language development in 1955, it has been built over three decades by dozens of workers and hundreds of supporters, led since 1987 by The Logical Language Group. Why should you learn it?
Really, there is way too much to sum up here, in one blog post, but i promise you, if you are the creative type or the logical type (hopefully you fall into at least one of these), lojban will appeal to you more and more as you learn more about it and start to learn it yourself.
Even better, learn to write it with tengwar. Why?
- Think differently.
Learning Lojban is a mind-expanding experience. Lojban was initially designed for the purpose of supporting research on a concept known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: "the structure of a language constrains the thinking of people using that language." Lojban allows the full expressive capability of a natural language, but differs in structure from other languages in major ways. This allows its use as a test vehicle for scientists studying the relationships between language, thought, and culture.
The hypothesis states that the structure of a language constrains and influences the culture that uses it. In other words, if concepts or structural patterns are difficult to express in a language, the society and culture using the language will tend to avoid them. Individuals might overcome this barrier, but the society as a whole will not. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is important and controversial: it can be used as a sociological argument to justify or to oppose racism and sexism (and a variety of other 'isms'). A simple example is the assertion that since genderless expressions in English use 'masculine' forms, English is 'sexist'. This presumes the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis to be true. Understanding the potential for Sapir-Whorf effects could lead to better inter-cultural understanding, promoting communication and peace.
Unique features of Lojban remove constraints on language in the areas of logic, ambiguity, and expressive power, opening up areas of thought that have not been easily accessible by human language before. Meanwhile, the formal rigidity of the language definition allows speakers to carefully control their expressions (and therefore perhaps their thought processes).
- Be specific.
Did you know that due to the natural language processing of English, the spoken phrase "pretty little girls school" can be interpreted in a bunch of different ways depending on the groupings of the words and interpreted meanings of them? It could be interpreted as {pretty {little {girls school}}}, {{pretty little} {girls school}}, {{pretty {little girls}} school}, and so on. Does the school look little? Do the girls look little? Do the girls look pretty? Does the school look pretty? Then you can also ask, does the word pretty mean 'beautiful' or 'fairly'? Is it the school that the girl goes to, or is it an all-girls school? Lojban can express each and every single one of these meanings without ambiguity and without circumlocution or overhead.
Lojban enables metalinguistic discussion about the sentences being spoken while remaining unambiguous. It also supports a 'tense' logic that allows extreme specificity of time and space relationships, even those implied by time travel. Lojban's grammar is designed to support unambiguous statement of mathematical expressions and relations in a manner compatible with both international usage and Lojban's non-mathematical grammar.
Lojban has an unambiguous grammar (proven by computer analysis of a formal grammar with YACC), pronunciation, and morphology (word forms). The person who reads or hears a Lojban sentence is never in doubt as to what words it contains or what roles they play in the sentence. Lojban has no words that sound alike but have different meanings (like "herd" and "heard"), that have multiple unrelated meanings ("set"), or that differ only in punctuation but not in sound (like the abominable "its" and "it's"). There is never any doubt about where words begin and end ("cargo shipment" can be heard as 2, 3, or 4 words). The function of each word is clear: there is nothing like the English "Time flies like an arrow," in which any of the first three words could be the verb. Precision in no way confines the meaning of a Lojban sentence. It is possible to speak nonsense, to tell a lie, or to be misunderstood. You can be very specific, or you can be intentionally vague. Your hearer may not understand what you meant, but will always understand what you said. - Speak to computers.
Lojban was designed as a human language, and not as a computer language. It is therefore intended for use in conversation, reading, writing, and thinking. However, since Lojban can be processed by a computer much more easily than can a natural language, Lojban-based computer applications are a natural expectation. Due to its unambiguous grammar and simple structure, it can be easily parsed (broken down for analysis) by computers, making it possible for Lojban to be used in the future for computer-human interaction, and perhaps conversation. Lojban's predicate structure is similar to existing artificial intelligence (AI), suggesting it as a powerful tool in AI processing, especially in the storing and processing of data about the world and people's conceptions of it. Linguists are interested in Lojban's potential as an intermediate language in computer-aided translation of natural languages.
Those with a computer background can lead development of the first computer applications for the language. Expertise in the language will no doubt be valuable as Lojban becomes recognized as a useful tool for computer applications by the computer industry. Computer-oriented Lojbanists can also aid in developing computer-aided instruction tools or converting existing software to run on new computers.
- It makes sense.
Lojban's pronunciation, spelling, word formation, and grammar rules are fixed, and the language is free of exceptions to these rules. Each Lojban sound is uniquely assigned to a single letter, or combination of letters. Each letter is defined to have a particular set of possible pronunciations, such that there is no overlap between letter sounds. The forms of Lojban words are also extremely regular. This, coupled with the phonology rules, allows a stream of speech to be uniquely broken down into its component words. The written language corresponds exactly to the sounds of the spoken language; spelling is phonetic and unambiguous, and the flowing sounds of the language break down into words in only one possible way. These features make computer speech recognition and transcription more practical. Learning to pronounce and spell Lojban is trivial.
Lojban is simple and sensible. Its grammar is based on the principles of logic. It's unambiguous. It's regular and phonetic. It's everything that language should be.
- Be expressive.
Lojban is a beautiful language. Lojban has a smooth, rhythmic sound, somewhat like Italian. However, its consonants create a fullness and power found in Slavic languages like Russian, and the large number of vowel pairs impart a hint of Chinese, Polynesian, and other Oriental languages, though without the tones that make many of those languages difficult for others to learn.
Original poetry has already been written in Lojban, and some has been translated into the language. Lojban's powerful 'tanru' metaphor structure allows you to build concepts into words easily, as you need them, and has been used to create colorful images and to convey moving emotions. A Lojban speaker doesn't need a dictionary to use and understand the millions of words that can potentially exist in the language. The absence of cultural constraints makes consideration of new ideas and relationships easier than in natural languages, spurring creativity. Lojban aids in communicating abstractions by identifying their nature explicitly. Lojban is thus a very powerful language, not only for poetry, but for discussing such abstract fields as philosophy, physics, metaphysics, and religion.
Lojban poets are already experimenting with new (and old) forms of poetry that seem especially well suited to the rhythm, sound, and flow of the language. Rarely do poets have such an opportunity to affect the development of a new language as they do now with Lojban. Lojban is rich and powerful. Lojban unleashes the full potential of poetic expression to communicate both concrete and abstract ideas. - It's easy.
Lojban is actually much simpler than natural languages. It is only slightly more complex in its grammar than the current generation of computer languages. Lojban seems complex only because the varieties of human thought are complex, and Lojban is designed to minimize constraints on those thoughts. Lojban text can appear longer and more complex due to its lack of idiom, its complete explicitness of logical structure, and most importantly, its unfamiliarity. On the other hand, conversational speech uses less than half of the possible grammatical structures, leaving the rest for writing and for other circumstances when one is likely to take time to carefully formulate exact logical phrasings.
Lojban is free of exceptions to the rules of pronunciation, spelling, word formation, and grammar. Such exceptions, which are present in other languages, are the bane of learning to speak a natural language correctly. Without the burden of ambiguity, Lojban users can be precise and specific more easily than in other languages.
Because Lojban's grammar is simple, it is easier to learn than other languages. Using flashcard-like techniques, a working vocabulary including the complete set of 1350 root words can take 8-12 weeks of study at 1 hour per day. It is by no means uncommon for people who embark on learning Lojban to be able to write grammatical Lojban within a few days, and to hold at least a limited conversation within a few weeks. Natural languages, especially English, take several years to learn to a comparable level of skill.
The available Lojban teaching materials are structured so that you can learn the language without classroom instruction or a close community of speakers. Communication practice with others is needed to achieve fluency, but you can start using the language as you achieve proficiency. - Have fun.
You needn't learn Lojban for any practical purpose. Many of those learning Lojban are doing so because it is fun. Learning Lojban is intellectually stimulating, and provides human interaction and mental challenge. Lojban has all the benefits of games designed for entertainment, with the added prospect of developing useful skills as a side benefit. Learning Lojban as an 'intellectual toy' means that you can get enjoyment from learning Lojban without nearly the effort needed to benefit from studying other languages. While becoming fluent in Lojban will probably take hundreds of hours over several months, you can feel some sense of accomplishment in the language after just a few hours of study. You can use Lojban immediately for fun, while gaining skill with greater experience.
Really, there is way too much to sum up here, in one blog post, but i promise you, if you are the creative type or the logical type (hopefully you fall into at least one of these), lojban will appeal to you more and more as you learn more about it and start to learn it yourself.
Even better, learn to write it with tengwar. Why?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tell Dell to Put Ubuntu in Retail Stores
I was happy to see the new Ubuntu machines from Dell and i decided it was time for Ubuntu to appear in big retail stores like Best Buy. So, i posted to IdeaStorm to ask them to put their Ubuntu machines in retail stores. Please add your support!
Planet Ubuntu,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Giving Digital Freedom a Powerful Voice
What else can we do to give digital freedom a voice that will be heard by more than just those of us who are already involved in the movement? How can we better appeal to everyone, techies and non-techies alike? We can be activists! That's why i decided to create an activism guide through the Ubuntu community. This guide gives advocates of digital freedom a way to
get involved through their local communities and gives LoCo's a way to make a huge difference in their region. It's really exciting to have this sort of information available to the masses!
The how-to guide currently includes how to lobby government, how to get press and media attention, and how to get through to companies. How to influence schools and educational institutions as well as other organizations is in the works.
It needs some heavy editing and better incorporation of digital freedom, so please check it out, get involved, and let me know what you think in the comments of this post!
get involved through their local communities and gives LoCo's a way to make a huge difference in their region. It's really exciting to have this sort of information available to the masses!
The how-to guide currently includes how to lobby government, how to get press and media attention, and how to get through to companies. How to influence schools and educational institutions as well as other organizations is in the works.
It needs some heavy editing and better incorporation of digital freedom, so please check it out, get involved, and let me know what you think in the comments of this post!
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