Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Intel's EFI: Hidden Threat to Computing Freedom?

Now i'm no expert in this field, but from what i've been reading, the industry is shifting towards Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) and EFI means bad news for the future of fully open machines. First of all, it will make current fully-free BIOS replacements like coreboot useless as well as always requiring a piece of proprietary binary-only code to build a free BIOS on top of EFI. It will trap certain OS operations to an EFI-based control system meaning that the OS doesn't necessarily own the platform. On top of all that, EFI can control many things that effectively make it a "DRM BIOS". All of this comes with added complexity and, as expressed by Linus Torvalds, without real advantages. Linus also refers to EFI as "this other Intel brain-damage (the first one being ACPI)", and this is why i stick to AMD =]

This excerpt from an interview with Ronald G. Minnich from FOSDEM explains in more detail the dangers of EFI:
What are your thoughts on the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI)?
I have spoken with the EFI authors at length. They make no secret of the fact that a "core value" of EFI is the preservation of intellectual property related to chipset programming and internal architecture. To put it another way, EFI is dedicated to the preservation of "Hard" hardware (as defined above), and the provision of binary interfaces and subsystems to BIOS vendors and others.

It is not really possible to build a full open-source BIOS if EFI is involved. The Tiano system, which Intel claims is an open source BIOS, can not be used to build a BIOS unless it is attached to proprietary, binary-only BIOS code provided by a vendor.
Another important thing to realize about EFI is that it also contemplates enabling chipset features that will trap certain OS operations to an EFI-based control system running in System Management Mode. In other words, under EFI, there is no guarantee that the OS owns the platform.

Accesses to IDE I/O addresses, or certain memory addresses, can be trapped to EFI code and potentially examined and modified or aborted. Many see this as an effort to build a "DRM BIOS".

I am not sure what the real intent of this design is, but is is a real concern in secure environments (such as those found in governments, banks, and large search engine companies). A number of vendors and users have told me that they are not sure they can ship an EFI system they are willing to trust in a secure environment.
I've taken this to Dell's IdeaStorm, asking them to resist EFI, but i'm not sure where else to go and how concerned we should all be about this. Thousands of customers called out for Dell to put effort into adopting a free BIOS replacement for a number of reasons, but Dell's john_h has informed us that their "BIOS teams have investigated, but no plans to do this. Most of the industry is moving towards using uEFI", clearly not a pro-consumer move. Please vote on it and let me know in the comments what you think of these issues with EFI.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ideas for Facebook

I originally thought of these for Orkut, but given that it still sucks with no sign of being ready to implement any of the dramatic changes necessary to make it as good as it could be, i decided Facebook is a lot closer (although not necessarily close) to hearing out these ideas. These could actually work for any social network or even just be created by application developers.

  1. Friend groups
    Wouldn't it be neat to have a group dedicated to each user, and have all their friends be members? There could even be the option to make a post hidden from the person the group is dedicated to (and you could then, for example, plan a surprise party for them). People might be too paranoid for something like this, or maybe it could be abused, but i thought it was an interesting new idea to consider, and in testing it could be an optional feature.
  2. Wiki profiles
    So i started thinking, what if  the Wikimedia Foundation created a separate project just for personal biographies? Then i thought, what if Wikipedia could get into social networking by doing something that's never been done before-- letting your profile be created by your friends? Maybe Wikimedia won't do this, but social networking sites could enable an alternate (optional?) profile for this. This could actually just be a part of the "friend groups" idea. It could be an alternative wiki-style profile that comes with a group dedicated to you. It'd be interesting to see how friends describe you collaboratively.
  3. Listed Interest GroupsTo reduce the number of pointless groups that have no real purpose other than to attract users under a common interest such as chocolate, for example, items listed under forms like "interests", "activities", etc. could, instead of just listing those that share the same interest, put them all into a special kind of group. Groups like this one, "Chocolate", on Orkut with over 610,000 members, and this one, "Chocolate = Love", on Facebook with over 105,000 members, really don't need to exist. Facebook's "Pages" feature almost addresses this issue, but the pages are just feeds with a wall and not groups.

2009 Wishlist for Google

Happy New Year everyone! Inspired by the comment thread with this post on Blogoscoped, i decided to put together my complete 2009 wishlist for Google. I hope i didn't miss anything! Let me know what you think in the comments

  1. Don't be evil!
    Never forget this. Do not compromise this no matter how bad the economic and financial crisis gets. In the long run, this is why the world will love you!

  2. More Storage!
    MUCH more storage in all services that provide it and especially for paid accounts. What happened to striving for infinite storage?

  3. A non-sucking Orkut overhaul

  4. GrandCentral Update--
    Integration with GMail contacts and Gtalk voice (& video?) chat would be absolutely killer.

    Update: GrandCentral is now Google Voice!

  5. Serious OpenID Support
    Provide and accept OpenID for all Google accounts (obviously non-Gmail Google accounts can't do certain things...like use GMail).

  6. Ability to merge contacts
    I have way too many contacts for this to be possible to do manually, it's insane.

    Update: This feature is now available but not very useful without a duplicate contact detector

  7. Make Google Shared Stuff really useful
    Similar to Digg/Reddit but done Google-style (better interface, tags instead of sections, region specific view, a fairer system, etc). See: my 5 ideas for Digg

  8. Accept open formats
    OpenOffice presentations for Google Docs, ogg theora videos for Google Video and YouTube etc, etc.
    Update: YouTube accepts Ogg Theora already but GDocs doesn't take OpenOffice.org presentations (.odp)

  9. YouTube (gradual?) Overhaul
    YouTube doesn't look very nice and Googley, and it doesn't have any balance between features and a clean/intuitive interface. Also, decide how to separate or merge YouTube and Google Video. Will GVid search and YT host, or will you just merge them?
    Update: YouTube is now for hosting videos and Google Video is now for searching, but a makeover is still much in need

  10. Non-Flash Video Playback
    Allow Google Video/YouTube to play formats other than flash (like the original video file).

  11. Take on PayPal
    Google Checkout is great at what it does but needs some of the key features from PayPal in order to really be able to compete. Then Google Base could add EBay and Craigslist like functionality (and expand Google Classifieds out of Russia).

  12. Speak lojban!
    Lojban has a lot of potential for Google in the translation department, and a lot of potential for the world in a bunch of departments (universal language, etc). See: My top reasons to learn lojban

  13. Google Answers
    Expand this out of Russia already!

  14. Bridge with AIM
    AIM was supposed to be bridged with GTalk, not just accessible through GMail chat! AOL was experimenting with Jabber/XMPP so pressure them to go forth with that.

  15. GDrive
    Or at least "accidentlly" leak more info about it's status/progress ;)

  16. More use of technology aquired from NevenVision
    Improving image search (removing the need for the ridiculous image labeler "game") and improving Picasa Web Albums-- automatically extracting text and shapes from images.

  17. Mobile Social Networks
    Merge Dodgeball, Zingku, Jaiku, and all that mobile social networking stuff [with the non-sucky Orkut?].

  18. Feedburener update
    Feedburner really needs to be Google-ized and integreated with other services (blogger).
    Update: Feedburner now uses Google Accounts but still needs a makeover and better integration.

  19. Page Creator to Google Sites
    Hurry up and make the migration and then start making big improvements to Google Sites!

  20. Release MeasureMap
    'Nuff Said.

  21. Refuse censorship
    See: #1. Don't be evil

  22. Cross-platform everything
    Make everything cross-platform (reduce the release time gap between different platforms, ideally to zero)

  23. Free as much source code as possible
    Continue and expand on your commitment to Free software!