I'd like to ask all Ubuntu LoCo's and other GNU/Linux groups what experiences they've had with community-run projects, specifically with marketing projects and especially regarding funding. What are some good examples of successful projects? What advice and tips can you offer? Please post in the comments and/or contribute to the LoCo Fundraising page on the Ubuntu wiki, part of the FOSS Activism Guide.
If you haven't heard enough about it already, the Ubuntu @ Anime Boston effort is coming along well, but it's been difficult to keep momentum and get the donations we need. We're just about two thirds of the way to our minimum target of $2200 which covers our two primary goals of $700 for a booth at the convention and associated costs, and $1500 for printed materials. This is enough to print informational flyers about FOSS, Ubuntu, and the Massachusetts Local Community Team, plus 2000 copies of the Ubunchu Manga. Every additional $300 after we meet our goal will double the number of issues we can print.
If you haven't heard enough about it already, the Ubuntu @ Anime Boston effort is coming along well, but it's been difficult to keep momentum and get the donations we need. We're just about two thirds of the way to our minimum target of $2200 which covers our two primary goals of $700 for a booth at the convention and associated costs, and $1500 for printed materials. This is enough to print informational flyers about FOSS, Ubuntu, and the Massachusetts Local Community Team, plus 2000 copies of the Ubunchu Manga. Every additional $300 after we meet our goal will double the number of issues we can print.