Not too long ago, it was quite exciting that the first version of 64-bit Flash was released for Linux only! On top of that, the alpha was much more stable than using the final 32-bit version under 64-bit Linux, and i believe that alpha was almost included in Jaunty, but didn't make it because of the no non-final software rule (that has been made exceptions to before anyway). Now that the second alpha (alpha refresh) for 64-bit Flash is out, i hope that we can make an exception and include it in Karmic.
P.S. What other last minute inclusions are people looking for?
I'm personally hoping that we can get Yo Frankie! included to show off a completely FOSS/copyleft game with nice 3D graphics, that was created using entirely FOSS tools and software! It needs packaging and there's a COfundOS project offering money for completion [LP #311938 + Debian #497859]